Feb 06, 2022
4 Rituals that Lead to Easier Days

4 Rituals that Lead to Easier Days

What can we do to live easier? I work with women that live with fibromyalgia and this is their primary quest. Personally, as someone that has experienced fibro, I know firsthand when we are told to exercise more, lose weight, sleep more, think positive, do this or do that, or asked “have you tried this … Continue reading 4 Rituals that Lead to Easier Days

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Jan 16, 2022
How Aroma Influences Mood

How Aroma Influences Mood

What is your favorite aroma and why? How does that aroma affect your mood and behavior? My favorite aroma is the smell of coconut lotion. Why? Because my favorite place is the beach and I’ve linked the scent of coconut with the memory associated with my favorite place. Another example would be the scent of … Continue reading How Aroma Influences Mood

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Jan 09, 2022
Celebrating Small Wins Can Make Big Changes

Celebrating Small Wins Can Make Big Changes

Do you ever feel defeated because of your experience with fibromyalgia? That is easy to do. No lie, I have often felt like giving up. If you are living with fibro, it might feel like you can’t keep up—especially with everyone else (your family, your co-workers, or those that you admire). It’s hard not to … Continue reading Celebrating Small Wins Can Make Big Changes

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