All posts by Jen Bickerton

Worry Much? How to Turn Your Rocking Chair into a Rocket Ship

Let’s face it, worrying takes energy. I used to hear this saying growing up– that worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere. How true is that?

I used to think that worry was me working out scenarios in my mind, like preparing for what can go wrong. But now I know that worrying is a waste of my perfectly good energy that I could actually use proactively to really get to where I want in life.

Worry is really restless thoughts that are not productive. Restless thoughts are known to destroy our focus and attention. They keep us up at night and drain the energy we could be using productively. An overactive mind can often result in a cycle of negativity that hampers our hope and destroys our efforts in making positive life choices and habits. It can lead to the notion that things are so grim that what’s the use of putting in the effort for change. Something like this might go through our mind, “Since I don’t know how to change this, I might as well give in and give up.” – This can alter the course to our dreams, our healing (both mentally and physically because of the stress chemicals being created in our body).

Would faith help with worrying? It is easier said than done, isn’t it? But did you know we CAN think our way to faith? That’s right. Faith is believing in things unseen. If you can think your way to demise through worry, then you can certainly think your way to success through faith. For example, we believe in electricity. We may not know how it works, but every time we turn on the switch the light comes on. Same with faith. We can think in a certain way to turn the switch on for faith.

When we flip the switch for faith it tends to switch off excessive worrying. And when we aren’t worrying, we can think clearer about what we need to do in the midst of our current circumstance. Our nervous system can calm down because we won’t be in the anxious survival mode but will be ready to think through a plan of action for whatever dilemma we are dealing with. So whereas worry is like a rocking chair, faith is like a rocket ship.

Here are four steps to think your way to faith and build your rocket ship.

  1. Observe Your Mind

Understand that the restless mind is actually trying to keep you safe, but sometimes it can get out of control and start the worrying cycle. Acknowledge that your racing overactive mind is just attempting to protect you by warning you of any possible danger. BUT also realize that your mind is just running scenarios and only guessing what might happen.

A study published in May 2020 in Behavior Therapy tells us just how often our worries come true. Would you be surprised that it is less than 10% of the time? The primary results revealed that 91.4% of the time the study participants worries did not come true. This is evidence that most of the time our distress of what may happen is unfounded.

So how can knowing this help provide comfort when you find yourself worrying?

The biggest step here is observing your mind and becoming aware. If you catch yourself worrying about something, try to distance yourself from your anxious thoughts. Become an observer. Step back and witness what is taking place in your mind. Recognize when your mind is being overactive and creating anxiety or stress. Ask yourself, “how likely is it that the thing you fear will happen?” Then ask yourself is there anything you can do to prevent it? Often, we know there are steps we can put into action, it is just a matter of taking a deep breath and forming a plan.

  1. Focus on the Present

I realize that sometimes the thought of needing to make a plan can also cause feelings of overwhelm. So now that you know the likelihood of your worry won’t come true and you have thought of how you might prevent it in that case, take a deep breath and focus on the moment at hand, the present here and now.

Pull yourself out of your head and stop the seesaw from past to future. The key in the present moment is focus. When you stop and focus in the moment, your mind is able to gather tangible facts so that you can construct your plan of action in the present moment. This will make it easier to choose your reaction to what may occur in the future. If you feel safe and unthreatened in the present, you will carry that feeling into the future with you.

  1. Take Action

Having a plan, no matter how simple, helps you let the worry rest. You know what actions you are taking and know that you have prepared no matter what happens. This probably won’t come naturally at first, but even if you are methodically making a list of pros and cons or listing steps to take for “what-ifs,” it gives you a peace of mind so you may be able to lay down the burden of carrying your dilemma. This will help so it doesn’t wear you down mentally and physically. As you see yourself making progress, your mind will calm down.

  1. Believe in Yourself

Back to the concept of faith. Having faith in yourself to do your best is part of believing in yourself. And believing in yourself is a foundation of taking right actions in your life. If you know that most of the things you worry about are unfounded, and that you have the ability to think through the things you worry about to form a plan, then you can believe in yourself.

You can believe that you are always doing your best and can trust that you are taking the actions in your own best interests no matter what happens. We may not be able to control everything, but if we use our energy to do something about the factors we can control, then we are more like a rocket ship in our life rather than a rocking chair.

Remember, tiny consistent actions can be used to conquer your reality in 10 minutes at a time. Keep going, each 10 minutes you spend working toward finding your own answers or path in life is building your rocket ship to take you where you want to go in life.

Hearts & Hugs,

Dr. Jen

You’ve got this. I have faith in you.

Where is Happiness Found?

Happiness really is the ultimate goal of all of us, isn’t it? And yet for many of us it is elusive. We seek and search for it, we chase it, we try to hang onto it, but it can escape us again and again.

In my upcoming book “U-Turn” I talk about happiness in the very first chapter. Happiness means different things to different people. It is subjective. What makes one person happy may not make another person happy. But we know that happiness is a very important part of supporting emotional health in our daily life. So where can we find it day after day? There are several ways of looking at this so we can wrap our minds around it.

Persisting Toward Happiness

Some people say that you just have to choose to be happy. And I never really understood that—especially when I was so poor that I had to choose whether to buy butter or toilet paper at the grocery store. I didn’t know how to choose to be happy. And it didn’t seem like a choice when I was struggling because of the excruciating pain of fibromyalgia that I used to experience. But I didn’t give up, I am a curious person that is part science minded and part faith based, so I persisted in determining how to be happy.

I was miserable and sad because of my situation in life and I was consumed with the dilemma that if happiness was a choice, wouldn’t someone in my situation would choose to be happy if they could? It wasn’t as if I was choosing NOT to be happy, was I?

My Discovery

Well through my experimentation, I finally discovered something! And you may think this is counterintuitive, or just plain bull, but it is true. I finally came to the conclusion that– the choice to be happy must be made BEFORE the attainment of the feeling of happiness arrives. Whoa, that is so simple it sounds profound doesn’t it…

Let me say this again. The choice to be happy has to be made BEFORE the feelings of being happy will show up. Essentially, while you feel like crap, are in physical or emotional pain, struggling to pay your bills, or just feeling down right in the dumps, you have to decide that you are happy. Sight unseen, you are buying this happy condo knowing it is in a shambles and you are going to fix it up even though you might not currently have the resources, money, tools, or know-how.

Really? Yeap. I’m not kidding you.

And this decision will not ever be followed by instant gratification. There will be no fireworks or balloons or congratulations here. (Except, from me of course. When any of my clients express that they “get it”, WE DEFINITELY CELEBRATE because I know how important it is in changing their life!)

Intentional Habit

So you may be wondering what the real key is here. When you make the decision, or intension , it means you are making a decision to train yourself to cultivate a habit of “feeling” happy. And I talk about how to trigger these habits in my upcoming book “U-Turn” and also in my Conquer Your Reality™ coaching program.

The choice comes first, then becoming aware of your daily mindset and purposely setting triggers comes next. When you catch yourself focusing on negative thoughts or you find yourself stressed, this has been an unconscious factor all along affecting your choice without you realizing it. BUT when you are having a good day, pay attention to how it makes you think and feel. Look at what occurred that day, the actions you took, the decisions you made in your own best interest, the friends or people you were around, and you can see what you need to intentionally include in your life on a consistent basis to cultivate the habit of happiness. These are the things that will support your emotional health and help you reach your goals in life. This is truly self-care.

Why is Being Happy Important?

 The feelings of happiness are a great indicator that things are going well in your life and that your emotional health is stable. This is important because your emotions can easily dictate your behavior and actions. Plus they also influence your physical health. If you are feeling low, it can be a negative feedback cycle that you have to break, so your feeling low won’t spiral and also affect your health physically. Setting up positive triggers can help you halt the cycle and turn it around.

Your emotions can influence your stress levels, your blood pressure, your heart rate, your sleep, your energy, and other physiology. Plus, your emotions can lead you to not taking care of yourself with diet, contributing to unhealthy food choices, or staying up too late and not getting the rest you need to recuperate from the day. If the negative feelings continue and begin to dominate, it can lead to a lack of self-care and your life can take a downward turn.

U-Turn on Happiness Avenue

The good news? You can turn your negative trajectory around. Understand that if you are able to identify and name your emotions, you know the coordinates of where you are on the emotional health map. Understand that negativity is an input on your personal GPS. Negativity is human-made, just a mental place you might currently be located. It is not permanent. Update your chosen destination to Happiness Avenue. You don’t have to know how to get there just INTENTIONALLY program the new desired location into your subconscious GPS and follow the signs. What signs? The triggers you set for yourself based on becoming aware of what you are doing in your life that brings you joy, or what you need to get away from or change that brings you down.

Here are some tiny consistent actions you can take to form happy habits :

  • Think about what you value in your life.
  • Align your priorities with what you value.
  • Be open to change and flexible to avoid frustration
  • Live mostly in the present, releasing the past
  • Schedule time to relax and do things you enjoy
  • Choose a friend that will support your goals, listen to you and encourage you
  • Make time for healthy choices, such as movement, sunshine, quality sleep, fruits, vegetables, and nutrition

Engaging in these tiny consistent actions and incorporating into your routines, can help develop habits that will improve your life and lead to the feeling of being happy daily.

Hearts & Hugs,
Dr. Jen

Relaxation: A Requirement for Health

Are you on the go all the time? Or working all the time, whether at a job or chauffeuring kiddos? Which by the way, I believe working at home taking care of children is much harder than going to a job! I’ve done both. And truthfully, I was shocked after I went back to work after homeschooling my children for 8 years! Not to demean any job, but I do know managing a home and taking care of children is definitely time and a half. But regardless of the job, do you schedule down time for relaxation in your life? I know, most of us will say no. We keep going, burning that candle at both ends. Yet, relaxation is so important to our health, that this is something that seriously needs to change. Try not to view relaxation as a waste of productivity hours, because the benefits are measurable and if you make a habit to regularly schedule non-negotiable breaks for yourself, you will see that your productivity will increase over the long run.

Let me give you a few examples why you will reap the rewards with much needed relaxation:

Relaxation Supports the Immune System

When we are busy all the time, it leaves little space for taking good care of our health. The result may end up being the exact opposite of what you wanted- sick days that leave you unable to do anything. Luckily, some regularly scheduled time for R&R can offset this. We all have hectic periods of our life, but the important thing is to have time for recovery and recuperation.

Crazy schedules and super busy lives can often lead to sleep deprivation, and high stress is typically only manageable up to 3 months. After that, well things can go downhill before you know it leaving your health vulnerable in many ways. Try taking the weekends off, or if you can’t, try sleeping in at least one day per week. This may support your immune system and keep you ahead.

Relaxation Keeps Your Memory Active

The longer you work or push yourself at an intense rate, the less efficient memory recall. You may find yourself making silly mistakes, or that you feel a little too forgetful. Even short periods of high stress affect the memory centers of the brain, which can be noticeable when under pressure.

The important thing here is by taking time to relax, it will allow cortisol levels to return to baseline, because there are no pressing issues to deal with. Chronically high levels of stress and the hormone cortisol may also contribute to long-term memory problems over many years, as stress and cortisol are known to have a strong inflammatory component.

Relaxation Replenishes Motivation

Do you ever notice how your drive to work decreases significantly after doing it repetitively for a period of time? In fact, under the prolonged influence of stress, the motivation center of the brain becomes desensitized to dopamine, limiting your ability to feel motivated, or experience pleasure.

A well-timed break for relaxation will recharge your batteries though. Along with supporting your brain with dietary supplements such as Lion’s Mane, a medicinal mushroom, or L-Dopa from Velvet Bean extract. Just keep in mind that there is just so much you can handle under pressure, everyone has a breaking point- don’t wait to find out what yours is.

Relaxation Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Unfortunately, for some it is too late by the time they realize that running a hectic life without taking much needed relaxation time can pose a risk to the heart and circulatory system. Not taking time off to reset and relax can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease. One of the reasons, is that excess cortisol may put the heart and blood vessels under extra stress, besides other factors of being overworked may lead to unhealthy habits of pushing yourself to keep going with caffeine and stimulants.

Relaxation is known to be a help in in healthy lifestyle management for reducing risks to the cardiovascular system.

Relaxation Will Help Sustain Youth

Yes, you read that right! Relaxation is absolutely necessary for aging well. Running on empty day after day is a disastrous recipe that leads to, not only wrinkles, but physical aging in the joints and organs. The greater the impact of the hormones cortisol and adrenalin, the more inflammation, and the harder and faster your body has to work to regenerate cells.

This is why many are choosing to live like they are in retirement when they are young, scheduling down time throughout the year – going on vacations, propping their feet up, making time for things they enjoy and just relaxing.

Now that you know how important relaxation is for your health, make it one of your self-care priorities. Work will still be there tomorrow waiting for you, so take your time.